
2021 Nov 07 - Joe Biden's Week

This past week was a curious one for Joe Biden, eventually culminating in an infrastructure bill being passed. Fantastic news if you’re one of the many politicians whose family and friends are in the construction business. It's seemingly easy to waste obscene amounts of money when you call it "investing in the future" rather than, "being ripped off left right and centre" And let's not kid ouselves, the waste is on the right as well as the political left. Anyway, after all the other the events of the prior week this spending bill seemed like the political equivalent of someone having a bad week and then spending all weekend in the pub burning through their wages. For several weeks, Biden has been torn apart by most sections of the media, with approval ratings falling faster than a drunk on a unicycle.

Some of this anger showed itself in the form of elections in New Jersey and Virginia, states where Mr Biden won by 10 points last election, yet this time lost. In one instance a New Jersey Senator who had been in the job for decades, lost to a former trucker who apparently only spent $153 on the campaign which given the shortage of truckers means it was an hour’s wages or something. He was in New Jersey though, so working in politics or “transportation” are essentially the same thing, you do what Tony Soprano tells you to. $153 is still a remarkably small amount of money though, especially given the sky-rocketing cost of living. Petrol prices have doubled in the last 18 months, maybe that explains why so many more New York rats are taking public transit, or maybe it’s just more left-wing mis-management with the city this week laying of thousands of unvaccinated sanitation workers and key jobs like the police, firemen and health workers before blaming everyone from Donald Trump to Dick Dastardly but definitely not themselves. The largest swing factor in these elections was undoubtedly education, the incumbent Virginia governor made it an election pledge to guarantee that no parent would ever be given a say in the school curriculum. I don’t think it’s going out on a limb to suggest that teachers accusing 5 year olds of being systemically racist and telling parents that they they be arrested if they disagreed, was ever going to be a vote winner. That literally happened, a parent in Virginia was arrested for transphobia after his daughter was assaulted in a school toilet by a boy in a dress who later admitted that he wasn’t transgender after all. This is the ultra-woke school philosophy where people think, for instance, that the historian Guy Chapman should have changed his name to Person PersonPerson. It’s quite a crazy world we live in where there are politicians literally trying to re-introduce segregation and the idea of “seperate but equal” and yet the people that *oppose* that are are the ones being accused of being crazy racists. It’s all upside down, next thing you know, Abu Hamza will be opening up a Weatherspoons franchise, or perhaps Yoko Ono will do a recruitment advert for the army

So where was the President while all this was going on? In Scotland attending the climate conference where he proceeded to fall asleep on camera. You do have to wonder how the BBC would have covered that story if Donald Trump had done it. The internet would have caught fire and everyone would call for his resignation but it’s Joe Biden so he gets a free pass whether it’s or when he thought he was a senator still, or forgetting people’s names, probably including his own, give it another year. The summit itself was of course a complete waste of time for everyone apart perhaps from the bloke that has the deal to sell jet fuel to Glasgow Airport, there’s stories about how the catering ran out and was bad enough anyway that leaders from the third world complained, Emmanuel Macron actually left several days early, although it’s not clear whether that was due to gastronomic taste, or because he was fed up of the UK and Australia laughing at him over the submarine deal. My favourite story from the whole fiasco was the one about protestors demanding the cancelling of a new coal mine in Cumbria, insisting that the government build wind farms instead, all completely oblivious to the fact that the project was going to be producing coking coal which isn’t used in energy production any more tofu is used in my kitchen. Wind turbine manufacturing includes steel and you therefore literally can’t build wind turbines without coking coal. Did any journalists question it or ask if any of the protestors actually understood mining or manufacturing? Well that was always going to be about as likely as the Chinese showing up. In the mean time I’m going to use the conference as inspiration to lose 3 stone, but I’m giving myself an arbitrary far away deadline of 2050, and the changes to my diet don’t include Chinese or Indian.
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